Alternatives to Klipsch for efficient/very efficient sub-$300 listening speakers?

Just interested in knowing what else is out there. Looking for speakers to go with Marantz 1060...
There are probably thousands of <$300 speakers that are very efficient. Big Lots, Kmart, Walmart and others are chock full of these. The pickings get much thinner if one also expects them to handle power, go loud without breakup and/or have anything resembling extended bass (or treble in most cases).

A good powered sub added in will fix the latter.

Its a good question though. What others can compete with Klipsch which actually do quite well overall in that price range? Probably few or none that are also as efficient.
Floor standing / bookshelf ? Room / speaker / listener setup ? Musical tastes ? Loudness level ? Used Heresys or Fortes as suggestions.
I still have my Wharfdales from Audio Advisor. Fabulous speakers for the price.