too bad Audiogon seems to have morphed to fussy, picky buyers

For years I've bought and sold here with no drama but that seems to have been changing. Now sellers seem to want retail pricing for their products while wanting to low ball on anything they want to buy.

At the same time I see more and more fussy buyers nitpicking the purchase, requiring tons of hand holding and concessions after they buy a fairly represented good working order item. 

No longer fun for me unfortunately.

I wouldn't be so upset over the current nature of buying and selling.  This is indicative of what is going on all over the place.  people have this sense that there is such a thing as free lunch. In the buyer/seller market, you are now seeing on TV/cable a whole series of flippers.  They try hard to rip off sellers by pretending to be nice and complaining about their costs, etc. So, they try to buy as low as they can, not tying to be fair (why should they?)

same is true here.  If you bought items with the thought that you will recover your costs later, that is a fallacy.

Enjoy your equipment and sound. Don't be in a hurry or desperate when selling and be patient.  Ignore low ballers and just wait.  There will be someone out there looking for that particular piece.

I have bought many items on Audiogon and I have never asked for a reduction in the asking price.  If I think the asking price is too high, I move on. 

I have sold many items here also.  I typically price items below the market price.  I price to sell.  However, I never sell to low ballers.  That is just insulting to me.  They, like me, know what the average blue book price of the item is.  A person wanting the item for their system to listen to music will  meet a fair asking price.  A person that is a flipper wants the lowest price they can get, and they lowball.

Kindly ignore them.


Oh I don't know. I've only had a limited number of transactions on Audiogon and only encountered one rude idiot. That's not bad at all compared to what I've found on eBay. Craigslist, despite what you hear, has always been easy and cordial. That's likely because Craigslist items are low dollar compared to Audiogon. Yes, sales have slowed notably here. What used to be snapped up in half an hour may well now not sell at all. Oh well. If you're a dealer that's serious. If you're just having fun, ces't la vie.
Fussy, fussy, fussy!
 I’m never going to be able to sell another item after the one and only item I ever sold was greeted with damning feedback by the buyer.
I casually glanced at the faceplate of the amplifier I was selling (and had just bought, myself), and found no visual blemishes.  I advertised it as such.
Well, the dogs of hell descended on me from the buyer who found multiple blemishes and was highly irate.  
Who the hell looks at an amplifier with a magnifying glass? When it’s in a system.  It’s pretty well blended in with the rest of the components.  You don’t buy a stupid looking box for its beauty.   You buy it for how it sounds!
He claimed he won’t be able to sell it in that condition.  Well, I bought it.  I had no problems with it.  I only sold it because it was not compatible with my system.

Fussy. Picky. Hand-holding. Blame it on the Millennials!
tomcarr you said it. They have more money than brains and expect everything handed to them on a silver platter. Then the hand holding begins. It's because mommy and daddy took care of everything for them. Spoiled brats IMO. They should have been disciplined more when they were children.
Only local cash and carry sales for me as of 18 months ago! Totally disgusted with PayPal scammers and low ballers wasting our time with offers less than 25% retail, even for current iteration gear. Agree that I’d rather keep or gift my used gear rather than reward these jerks or have my payment again reversed by PayPal. Also agree that it’s not only Audiogon. That said, I’ve had more quality buyers on US AudioMart although responses are much slower, sales often taking 6 months or more.