My friend, if you are only gonna stay on the "buy" side of transactions, you will have a houseful of gear over time. Yeah, I say the same thing about drinking after having a couple too many the night before, then I come back to reality. I will drink too much again and I will buy and (consequently) sell audio gear again. I am powerless against both urges.
Tis a buyer's market, no question, in the aftermarket these days. I picked up an Ayre QB-9 DAC for $500 a couple of months ago... the best audio bargain I have ever gotten. I have taken a loss on virtually every piece of audio gear I have sold, and most of it was bought used to begin with. On some gear it was a loss of a couple hundred bucks and on some speakers as much as a grand. Frankly, it was all good fun. What I don't understand are the brutal beatings guys take on a uber high end gear -- particularly goofy expensive cables. I have never played in that realm of audio gear, but selling a pair of $10K speakers cables for $4500 would an experience I would not want to experience.
My view is that this is a brilliant time to acquire gear at great price via AG and the other audio forums. Some counterparties can be a PITA to deal with (i.e., ultra low-ballers), but I have made a ton of audio friends over the years buying and selling gear so net-net, it is a great way to connect with music lovers. Kicking issues like this about with folks like Kenny and others on this forum is always informative.
My friend, if you are only gonna stay on the "buy" side of transactions, you will have a houseful of gear over time. Yeah, I say the same thing about drinking after having a couple too many the night before, then I come back to reality. I will drink too much again and I will buy and (consequently) sell audio gear again. I am powerless against both urges.
Tis a buyer's market, no question, in the aftermarket these days. I picked up an Ayre QB-9 DAC for $500 a couple of months ago... the best audio bargain I have ever gotten. I have taken a loss on virtually every piece of audio gear I have sold, and most of it was bought used to begin with. On some gear it was a loss of a couple hundred bucks and on some speakers as much as a grand. Frankly, it was all good fun. What I don't understand are the brutal beatings guys take on a uber high end gear -- particularly goofy expensive cables. I have never played in that realm of audio gear, but selling a pair of $10K speakers cables for $4500 would an experience I would not want to experience.
My view is that this is a brilliant time to acquire gear at great price via AG and the other audio forums. Some counterparties can be a PITA to deal with (i.e., ultra low-ballers), but I have made a ton of audio friends over the years buying and selling gear so net-net, it is a great way to connect with music lovers. Kicking issues like this about with folks like Kenny and others on this forum is always informative.