Y No YG ?

Hi Everyone, 

It just occurred to me that I never see YG Acoustics mentioned. With exotic cabinets and driver manufacturing, I would think they'd be discussed as often as Wilson, B&W or Magico. 

Personally I haven't heard them, but I like their brochures! 


Perspectives vs. YG Acoustic Carmel. My wife picked the Carmels and will not let me move them, a finger print issue. I am driving them with different electronics and different cables, and use a sub with the Carmels. I love them both, the way you love different children.  
Indeed...We were using a Rega Maia 3 amp with 85 wpc and a Croft Micro 25 Basic preamp and it drove the Carmel 2's beautifully in a large room....plenty of power, plenty of current...
@erik_squires To me personally, YG is the most well rounded of all those brands you mentioned.

All of those brands share their respective strengths and weaknesses. Everyone also has their own personal tastes as well.

However, if you are looking for a speaker to give you what you put in front of it the YG would fit that criteria.

They are extremely neutral and have almost an electrostatic like midrange. To me personally Mr. YG has gotten as close to the absolute sound. E.g. give use a dynamic driver with all the positives of an electrostatic but, none of the downsides. They don’t sound like a box. I don’t think B&W is in the same league as YG. As far as US made speakers you have to be looking at Magico and Wilson.

However, The cumulation of all of YG’s technologies working together. Making the drivers as stiff as possible (without some exotic materials). The cabinets without stuffing in them etc.. The Dual Coherent crossover is probably what sets them apart from Wilson and Magico.

Yes, this comes at a price but, the Sonja XV sounds incredible as do their other speakers.

My only regret is yes new they start at higher price than a Magico or even Wilson. However, YG only has one line not 3 like Magico has now. The A, S and M line all have different technologies and all have different sonic character.

I would love to see a YG under the 20K MSRP but, keep all the same technologies and qualities that make their big brothers so great. Perhaps we will see this now that the Magico A3 is a success at that price point.

At AXPONA the MUCH cheaper A3 sounded A LOT better than the Carmel. And that was a much cheaper setup.
About 8 or 9 years ago I heard a large YG model, I don’t recall which exactly, at CES. I had them play a track from Neil Young’s ‘Live At Massey Hall’. I swear I could see the stage in front of me. A truly memorable demo. They were, then and now, well out of my price range, but no sour grapes here- I wished at the time I could take a pair home.