Fake XLO cables from China

I have purchased lately 2 XLO power cables on Yahoo Japan and Ebay.  One is called XLO Purple Rush and the other Signature 3. The cables look like the real deal but it turns out all 3 are fake and sound no better than stock computer cables. Stupid me, but at least I want to make sure others don't repeat this mistake.  
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I would thus guess you are a all cables sound the same camp.
No no, not at all. There’s a clear audible difference between gauges, and between geometries that considerably change inductance or capacitance.
However, between cables with resistance kept at no more than 1% of the lowest impedance reached by a speaker, inductance below .2uH/ft, and capacitance below 50pF/ft, an audible difference has not been proven.

I have amassed quite a few fake cables in order to compare them to genuine real cables. In most cased they have a somewhat similar sound signature but not quite the same. While they DEFINITELY DO NOT sound the same as the real deal they give a lot of the sound of the real deal at a huge discount. Interestingly the China cables that were some off brand were not nearly as good sounding as the imitation ones in general. The closest fakes I have to the real deal are the Tara Labs which may actually be the real deal. The Siltech fakes are darker than the real G5 with a lot less detail.  The AQ with DBS sound very good but different from the real deal and the Cardas Clear fake sounds fantastic but again a bit different from the real deal.  The Nordost Odin fake is simply amazing!  The real problem is that if you are expecting a particular sound you should expect something a little different. 

If you want the real deal sound buy the real deal from a verified source. If you want to experiment then go for it.