I'm trying to decide on a new (to me anyways) receiver.

I've narrowed it down to these two:

About the only big deal I see bwtween them in their feature set is the 805 has better video flexibility & the HDMI 1.3 thingy. THEIR POWER RATING IS ABOUT EQUAL AND ALL i WOULD NEED.

The HDMI 1.3 does seem attractive for multi ch. high res audio playback via a single wire bundle, BUT not having heard anything through one, I'm skeptical on it's performance level and would think the Marantz the more musical of the pair... albeit the need for RCA cables for SACD.

The onkyo is also cheaper.

Any other thoughts or experiences here on support or performance, would be super and greatly appreciated.

Thanks folks... thanks a lot.

I must be a numbers geek when I’m in any way doubtful on a project… that said, the Onkyo 805 supports more digital source material than does the Marantz 8001.

Onkyo does 1.3A HDMI….. the Marantz is but 1.2 HDMI… a minor deal at best as the difference is the replay of DSD & video upsampling non protected (encrypted), I think, via HDMI.

I do find it sort of funny that I’m worried about the video processing and/or up sampling… I sure can’t see it. haha

Can’t swing the TX SR875’s additional $600. i’ve other plans.

Between the MARANTZ & ONKYO… the price diff is about $160.00, the Marantz being the higher of the two.

The overall use will be quite intermittent and very, very seldom… perhaps 2hr – 6hr per week. Maybe more during the NFL season.

The express use will be for video applications. Movies. Some TV music specials. Austin city Limits, jazz channel, Crossroads, PBS, etc. The ultimate display will be a projector…down the road and surely a 1080P capable one. Now it will be a 720P/1080I 61” RP.

I’ll attain speakers with 90db or higher. Likely additional Silverlines though for rears only I’d think, and run a ghost center ch. So as to not muck up the landscape. Geography is at a premium hereabouts.

No additional amp will be purchased, if I can avoid it.

A sub will be employed.

Sources will be an Oppo HD DVD multi format player and an HD cable box… and maybe video tape.

Connections will be via HDMI as much as possible.

I’ve heard of the heat thing on the Onkyo… though not the noise issues.

I also agree with another poster here, that Marantz’s mid fi line up isn’t a hands down way ahead safe and clear bet. It/they are just another one in the mix.

As I’ve related here… I’ve been very happy with my Sony 444es AV 110wpc 5.1 gizmo for going on 8 years now. (with longer rear spkr wire runs however, higher eff speakers and heavier wire is required).

I’m thinking either of these two here are a nice step up from the es receiver. BTW the Sony ain’t the coolest running unit either.

Maybe I ought to just get the one that weighs the most.
I saw the Onkyo 805 at J&R Music World on sale at $799...no tax, and free shipping.

The system I setup a few months back, (mentioned above)...had Onkyo 805, Oppo digital sacd/dvd audio/video player, Sanyo projector, NHT Classic 3's and 2's for speakers, Hsu subwoofer...it sounded (and looked) very nice.


Thanks much.... What you did is about what I'll be doing too... but different speakers & sub.
And, to add to the fray...I love my 805. Oppo 970HD, HD-RPTV, Hsu sub, VSA fronts, assorted amps. I only use it for video processing and it works perfectly. There is a one second delay in decoding a video source. Usually not noticable, but when watching a bowl game my OTA HD signal would occeasionally cut out (I live 50 miles from the transmitters) and each time it came back, the Onkyo took a second to present the audio. Frustrating, but as I understand it only the ultra expensive processors are quicker. For my purposes, the Onkyo is perfect. BTW, I do not use in internal amps, and it doesn't get very hot in my rack. $799, free shipping and 30 day return from J&R, where I got mine. Have fun and enjoy!
805 owners... the only in depth review I could find on either the 805 or 875 said they were bright up top... is that your experience?

They also mentioned the video delay not catching immediately and/or the consequent lag of audio via the HDMI path.

...and given the above, the Marantz becomes more attractive... hmm.