And, to add to the fray...I love my 805. Oppo 970HD, HD-RPTV, Hsu sub, VSA fronts, assorted amps. I only use it for video processing and it works perfectly. There is a one second delay in decoding a video source. Usually not noticable, but when watching a bowl game my OTA HD signal would occeasionally cut out (I live 50 miles from the transmitters) and each time it came back, the Onkyo took a second to present the audio. Frustrating, but as I understand it only the ultra expensive processors are quicker. For my purposes, the Onkyo is perfect. BTW, I do not use in internal amps, and it doesn't get very hot in my rack. $799, free shipping and 30 day return from J&R, where I got mine. Have fun and enjoy!