My next upgrade: what's first

Hello all,

I recently got back into this hobby after some years of inactivity and am slowly but surely upgrading my system. I have the following new gear

- Mac mini + Benchmark dac3 for my ripped cd's.
- Dr. Feickert woodpecker with Jelco 850 arm and Van den Hul DDT II cartridge

The rest of the system has not been updated yet. I have:

- A project Phono box DS
- A Rotel RA-1062 integrated amp (between 15 and 20 years old)
- B&W Nautilus 805 speakers (I got these used around 16 years ago)

What do you think my next upgrade would be: speakers, amp or phono pre-amp?
My own guess would be the amp or the speakers. What do you people think?
Would appreciate your ideas.

Note that I am not dissatisfied with what I have, but if I listen at shows what's now available, then I'd love to be able to have that at home.

I have listened to quite a few speakers over the last year and other than Maggie 1.7i, I have not found anything that I am convinced sounds better than what I have for less than $3500 used: ProAc, Maggie 3.6, anything up food chain by Thiel.  Not that it’s not out there, just sayin.....
What’s the budget?  My recommendation at a reasonable price point would be a W4S ST 500 amp pared with a decent tube preamp. I’m using a Manley Shrimp in my summer system. Both my B&W N802 and old Concept 90’s love that combination. 
haveing any type of speakers, if you had 200 watts a chanell compared to having 600 watts a chanell, would there be any difference in the sound?