Why are my woofers pumping?

The other day, with sunlight direct from the side, I noticed that the woofers in my speakers are pumping in and out, much more than I was aware of, when the stylus is in the groove, even between tracks (no music).  I can see it, even if I don’t hear it. Why does it happen? The woofers behave normally (no pumping) with digital music, and when the stylus it lifted from the groove, so it is not the speakers, amps, preamp or phono stage. 

I’ve read that the typical reason for woofer pumping is that the cartridge / arm resonance is too low.  I tested, with my Hifi News test record, and yes, the lateral test puts the resonance at 7 hz or so – too low (but I’ve seen some doubts about the results from that test record).  It is strange, since the combo I use – Lyra Atlas cartridge and  SME V arm (on a Hanss T-30 player) is supposed to work well. I tried to strip my arm of extras, cleaned the damping trough, etc – but it did not help much.

Anyone has an idea, why it happens, or what to do about it?  

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
Tighten the center shaft - meaning: the housing of the spindle.

cleeds - thank you, yes I bought the Atlas new and it shows no obvious signs of wear so far.  You are right, it may be a spindle / bearing problem. So I want to eliminate this factor. I have a friend with a T-60 who may help me fix it, soon.

Resonance - a red herring? If so, reducing effective mass on the SME V may not be a good idea (+1 to Atmasphere, and others, for setting me on this track).

Therefore I thought, OK, let me go back to a normal setup of the arm. I screwed the upper bridge back on and adjusted the counterweight back so the spring weight does the job alone, tuning it to the 1.72g recommended for the Atlas. Then I checked, using the runout on R L Jones The evening..., on the same very high volume level as before. Did I see more subsonic cone movement / pumping? NO. Slightly more energy, touching the cones? MAYBE but not much. What strikes me is that the "tone" of the vinyl noise has gone down a bit, it reaches lower in frequency. (Usually a good sign, says my audio intuition).

This test result does not rule out a "demanding" combo that can easily pick up too much lowest-low frequency. Maybe there is a herring. But its not red?
Since the problem is mainly gone, the thread should end soon. But it would be nice with a conclusion. I had woofer pumping, I changed some things in my system, and then the pumping (or most of it) went away. Why? Not clear.

Maybe the most likely reason - for now - is that I took out the platter and reinstalled it, with a little change of the ball and spindle position, making the drive work a bit more smoothly.

However my "audio intuition" is not quite satisfied with this explanation. The pumping error seems more like a yes/no proposition, as if you throw a switch - it is there, or not there - maybe mainly resonance-related (or even electric, e g could it even be influenced by static electricity?). So far I have not been able to reproduce the error. So I dont know exactly what makes the woofers start pumping. But it seems fairly clear that if it was only the drive, or player imperfections, the pumping / rumble problems would have been much more constant. 

I too had reduced my woofer pumping with each of the following steps:

1. Cartridge setup tweaked by my VPI dealer
2. Replaced my cartridge
3. Added a Symposium Seque ISO platform
4. Added Symposium VPI footers
5. Added a custom 2" walnut platform sitting on RollerBlock Jr’s under the Seque
6. Swapped my Quadraspire Q4 Evo rack with a Massif Audio Design rack (no obvious change)
7. I have an older Classic 3 and tried damping the arm with VPI damping oil, that didn’t help...

Each of these changes reduced the pumping (well, more or less) and a couple of times I thought my issue was resolved. I think your intuition is probably correct in that this problem might not be resolved.

PM me if the problem returns, I might be open to sending my filter out for you to try.

I've had that same issue. I bought the rumble filter....it degraded the sound and didn't cure the problem either.
I actually had a post on these forums and someone recommended moving the turntable away from the speakers.
I moved my speakers out into the room as much as I could and the problem was solved. I now rarely get this to happen....and when it does I lower the volume a couple notches and it goes away.
I'm convinced that if I could move the turntable completely away from my my speakers...there would be no issues.
The issue is with your cartridge and speakers. That's my opinion.