German Physiks - Listening Impressions Wanted

I would like to hear from folks that either own or have heard any of the German Physiks Speakers,
preferably the Carbon or Borderland.Both being MK 4 versions with the latest triple D drivers.

I have either one of these unique speakers near the top of my short list but with too many unknowns with a speaker this expensive,I will probably have to make a trip to see Larry owner of Distinctive Stereo and get a good look and demo.

The HRS-120 might be a candidate also at a lesser price point.

I would think are less room sensitive than most speakers? Also less listening spot fussy....Interesting. 
They have a huge sweet spot and sound best out tword the middle of the room or at least away from walls. I own the much less expensive Decware ERRx radial speakers and they sound best this way also.
They were best sound contenders for me at Capital AudioFest last year. That was the first I got to hear them. I am an omni guy with OHM Walsh speakers in my main hifi. Omni presentation is different more like a live performance. May take getting used to at first but maybe no going back for some. Placement not too close to walls or other reflective surfaces matters with true omnis.