In your moderately expensive range, you might look at an older Nola Metro Grand 2 pair or perhaps even the earlier Metro Grand. The latest versions of these Nolas - Metro Golds 1, 2 3 etc etc - are probably slightly better but they all use the same Alnico mid-range driver. And I believe the ribbons differ only slightly between the Grand and Gold versions. The voicing of these speakers is great, at least to my ears, superb for vocals, piano, acoustic music generally, and can go very loud for rock. They work beautifully with tubes - VAC, ARC, etc. I use VAC. The very experienced designer has, as I understand, over the years perfected his open baffle design for the above two drivers, while getting deep bass from an isolated, ported cabinet. The bass may not be the tightest in the world but it goes very deep and can be improved upon with good spring isolation, Marigo VTS bands, etc. And you can do shielding things for the open baffle drivers to cut the impact of RFI etc if you have wifi problems.