Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!

Experience and education is the best way to truly understand and effect huge increases in the musicality
of any existing stereo system.
I have answers.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsoundings
@soundings - I hope you continue to respond. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
Disconnect one ear. Check

Play loud music. Check.

Remove carrot from other ear. Check, but how is this supposed to be different?

Kdude66.  I've been reading the audiogon forums for several years and only posted once. I generally don't feel a need to.  I enjoy the reading peoples posts.

But I have noticed that almost on every post recently you seem to dis tekton.  I GET IT. YOU DON'T LIKE THEM. I think everyone else gets it by now.

I come here to learn and not simply hear the same rants again, again. Ugh!!

I'm sure in the real world you might be a pretty nice guy. But can you let it go?  At least for a bit. 

It makes me not want to read audiogon anymore.  I'm not trying to be mean. It's like when my kids keep on complaining about the same thing over, and over again. Please!!!!!!!!!!