Older Shunyata power cables

I currently have 3 shunyata PCs all purchased in 2002
sidewinder to my pre (ML 326s)
taipan on amp (ML332)
Anaconda ( oppo 205 )

i am wondering, are these really outdated? I am thinking of at least replacing the sidewinder with a new Delta NR

The pre amp and OPPO are plugged in to a transparent power bank 8 and the amp goes straight to the wall with a shunyata defender plugged in to the other outlet.

Thanks in in advance for any advice.


I believe its a matter of personality and personal taste.
Some of us get the upgrade itch and wonder what a new improved product will do. Like many other power cord manufacturers, not all of the newer power cords are necessarily an improvement, however, if you upgraded a power cord to a higher level it could create a quieter background allowing more details come through, or widen your soundstage. One never knows until they try, and if you are happy, save your money and enjoy the music.

Yes, I don't want to start down another path were a 1k upgrade turns in to 4 or 5k of upgrades. I might just try a loaner Venom PS8 with a Defender to see how that compares to the transparent power bank 8.

By the time I save up 4k for a Hydra, I think I would rather put that in a higher level digital source.