High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Waveguide and Total Contact

There seems to be some kind of synergy going on with these two products. I have one MC-0.5 plugged into the wall duplex that feeds my system. When I got it initially, I was very pleased with the results. Later, when I decided to try Total Contact, the first thing I treated was the three prongs on the MC-0.5. Again, I was very happy with the further improvements I heard.

Recently, Tim Mrock, the inventor of TC, suggested I paint the outside of the MC-0.5 with it. At first I thought “Wow, that's kind of crazy!”, but Tim has not steered me wrong yet. I went ahead and painted it, in place, without removing it from the wall. I experienced an immediate and obvious increase in transparency and clarity. Initially, the top end was a little too lively, but that has settled down over a day or two, and I am now one happy camper 😀

I don't know how, or why, this works, but I am loving the results.

I don't mind how ppl.  use the forum.  But i get tired
Of seeing one person's name on every topic. 
All the time. 
Could you report more on the MC O.5 that you painted in Total Contact? Looked at your picture post and it looks like you coated the whole MC O.5 in Total Contact solution. Did you try just coating the MC O.5 prongs first?  If so how did it change when you coated  the rest of the MC O.5? Any thing else you could add to your experience with Total Contact and High Fidelity products would be much appreciated.  How many MC O.5 do you feel you could coat with a single order of Total Contact?
Thanks Pete

I treated just the prongs first, and was very happy with the improvement over the stock MC-0.5. I heard improvement right away, but it got quite a bit better after the TC cured for 8 weeks. I then painted the entire body with a small brush, and things improved quite a bit more. I would describe the improvement as being like the stock MC-0.5 on steroids 😉 I would recommend painting in place, like I did, as the TC takes some time to fully dry, and can be messy before that. I think you should be able to paint at least 6 with one order of TC.
Just had one of the most amazing sessions listening to my stereo system. Little over two weeks ago I started applying the TC paste to my power and speaker cables as well as the inlets on my DAC, amp, and conditioner. Over the following week I would gradually add the TC to my tube pins and some fuses. Then would use it on my mc-0.5’s. My tv setup is on another room and was applying it to all the cables there as well. Last night I decided to use the TC on my Ethernet cable connectors from the modem to the router and from there to my Mac mini. 

Not sure if the Ethernet cables was the real game changer or if something I pasted days ago is now curing but holy smokes I get home today and everything is just so pure and musical. I stream Tidal a lot it sounds amazing, everything sounds amazing. I’m really impressed so far with this TC and I’m not sure I can handle it getting any better, but I’ll try. ;)

Thanks to tommylion for starting this thread and to oregonpapa for his initial thread on talking about the TC product and obviously thanks to Tim for creating a remarkable product. Easily this is the best tweak and next to speakers, and possibly an amp or two, the best addition I can remember putting into my system. Well done Tim!