I can understand your concerns regarding amplifier power for the newly bought Revels (congratulations by the way). Your particular Mastersound is an el 34 parallel SET no NFB circuit and has excellent quality output transformers. No doubt it sounds fabulous as you’ve described (within its power limits). It may not not ultimately be your final amplifier choice but it is an exceptionally good designed and implemented low power integrated amplifier. The Salons are revealing the superb sound quality of the pure class A Due Venti🙄. A case of watt quality rather than watt quantity. I’ve enjoyed reading your thread.
I can understand your concerns regarding amplifier power for the newly bought Revels (congratulations by the way). Your particular Mastersound is an el 34 parallel SET no NFB circuit and has excellent quality output transformers. No doubt it sounds fabulous as you’ve described (within its power limits). It may not not ultimately be your final amplifier choice but it is an exceptionally good designed and implemented low power integrated amplifier. The Salons are revealing the superb sound quality of the pure class A Due Venti🙄. A case of watt quality rather than watt quantity. I’ve enjoyed reading your thread.