Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)
I hesitate to answer the question white because the answer would probably cause angst and consternation white among the usual suspects. I don’t have to white mention any names. Also because this subject enters some areas way beyond scope white. I’m not saying this to be coy white but because I don’t wish to turn this thread into yet white another mud fight. 💩
Easy on the emoticons yapdogkait, we all know what a poodle looks like.    No need for a pop quiz on that either.    Why don't you give yourself a pop quiz and maybe find why you enjoy wasting  everyones time so much?   We'd all like to know that. 
I'm dying over here ;-). Geoff correcting and lecturing Ralph Karsten on the nature of electricity. Next thing you know we'll be expected to believe Michael Green understands room acoustics better than Art Noxon. Oh yeah, we already are.
For sure maybe more then 5%. I bought the latest ,power cords 
from Verastarr Audio with a 30 day return policy and both digital 
as well as my New Gato 400s  integrated prospered well over5 % improvement,
digital even more so.  FYI.  Verastarr has a New line not on the website yet less expensive locally Mike the owner direct.
 if you don’t need the very time consuming   weaved jacket and a couple other extras.  Excellent performance per $$ spent
vs the competition, this includes system cables also.