My understanding is that they copied the original board design and the only changes made was to make the bandstand on end to make this layout in the small case.  As far as the Dartzeel, I looked very hard at these clones and almost pulled the trigger. Again, a basic amp design cop on the main output boards on this amp. The innards look very different than the original and I have seen 3 different boards on Dartzeel clones.
Sorry, band stand is circuit boards.... I'm out of town, auto correct on phone
Sooooo, heres the "elephant" in the room...

Do Intellectual Property Rights, Copy Rights, Trademarks and Patents mean nothing?

I gather none of you would have a problem with a Rolex clone? Or possibly a Heart Valve clone? Or, even a Hydraulic Pump clone for the flaps on a 747?

Just a thought
Isn’t phony clones no different then getting out of the shower and putting on dirty underwear?