Simaudio 260D - As transport

Since I have digital Mcintosh digital pre with an excellent internal DAC I am considering to upgrade my Cambridge Audio CXC with Simudio 260D transport without the optional DAC .
Can you advise how is the 260D as a transport ? Will I notice a substantial improvement compare to my CXC ?
The 260D transport without the optional DAC won’t have the digital in connections only the out ones ?
The CXC had no issues with hybrid CDs
Is it the same with the 260D or it can read only red book format?
Well I llke CD's in my Simaudio :)

However I enjoy the sound very much. Its very well balanced from top to bottom. I use the transport only (no dac) and its plugged into a Empirical Audio Reclocker. Then that goes to a dedicated Dac. Very well built and reliable. I have had it for almost 2 years now.
Hi aniwolf

The Simaudio has very low jitter almost zero , why did you  add the  Empirical Audio Reclocker ?

I added it because to my ears it clearly sounds more organic and natural (less digital). While the Simaudio might have low jitter, it still has it. Keep in mind the reclocker uses a better clock which is its main purpose. I am not a technical person really, I use my ears to judge.

The latest version of the Synchro-Mesh directly measures 8psec of jitter, and that is measured at the end of my 4-foot Standard BNC cable across a 75 ohm termination:

What is the jitter measurement of the Simaudio transport at the end of a coax cable?

Ani - another mod is available BTW.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

I have a Simaudio 260D Neo driving a Bricasti DAC- quite pleased with the Simaudio as a transport. I have never tried the CXC so I cannot comment whether it's actually any better than the CXC.