Why Oh Why Isn't Anyone Building A Decent 2 Way Stand Mount Using

the 94db,8" Silver Flute woofer?Decware has a nice pair with low end HiVi ribbon tweeter but I prefer a soft dome...Seems like a prime candidate when compared to single driver hi eff...Anyone know of a good soft dome that might work well with it?
Oops I didn’t paste,


It it all depends on your budget as mentioned,lots of good ones.
Unless that I moved to exotic materials,the Dynaudio Esotar is my fav for many yrs.

Ok guys this is getting interesting...I’m finding some nice tweeters,especially the Morel Elite448(8ohm/92db.)& Eton 28SD1(8ohm 91db.)...Can anyone tell me how putting a lower efficiency tweeter,say 91db.with the 94db.woofers affect final efficiency?
^^^Thats the 8ohm version,I’ll go with the 4ohm which is 94db.Although now you mention it I go just go with the 8ohm which is easy to match to a 91db.tweeter...
On a side bar I emailed Decware to see if they would build me a pair with one of the above tweeters...Fingers crossed because no one has a pre made cab big enough...
Silver Flute is a pretty respected driver—the diyaudio website has a lot of build threads using the 6.5” woofer- some with the 8”.  The main issue is getting either driver to play lower than 50 Hz—box modeling actually favors the 6.5” over the 8” for hitting lower frequencies.  There’s a very long build thread that uses the 6.5” and a scan-speak full range driver instead of a tweeter-  crossover point is around 300Hz if my memory serves me.  Better known as a FAST design- Full Range Assisted Subwoofer Technology.