Audiophile class AB vs Hypex N-core class D technologies .

I was  a fun Hypex- N-core class D amps, but when i compare to  class AB Pathos MK-3 amps,
i found the sound is more pleasurable in Pathos. Who else get comparison between the good class AB and
top of the line class D ?
I had the Merrill Veritas and thought they sounded very similar to my Sanders Magtech.
I had Acoustic Imagery Atsah monos, using the same NC1200 modules as Merrill's Veritas, and my experience was pretty much along the lines of what you all are reporting.  I owned them over a year and could not quite get on-board with the sound of the Class D Ncore amps, particularly related to ambient cues where they seemed to sound different than what I have been accustomed to with Class A or A/B amps, or with live music.  My attempt to describe what I was hearing (or not hearing) is that the sound seemed like musicians recorded individually in a booth and then the individual contributions mixed to create the whole, rather than a band playing together coherently.  A better description that comes close to my experience is provided in the Mono & Stereo review of the Ncore Mola Mola Kaluga.

In the process of replacing them, I tried several Class A and AB amplifiers that I liked better than the Ncore amps and ended up with Clayton's M300 Class A monos.  Surprisingly, like jbrrp1 stated, I find the bass from my Class A amplifiers better developed, fuller, more life-like, and more enjoyable than the bass from the Ncore amplifiers, which in contrast seemed a little over-damped.
Micth2:  Yes, dry, over-damped bass is probably what I was reacting to, along with a touch of leanness in the upper bass, lower midrange area.  The music just didn't come to life in an engaging way for me.