Proac Response D30 DS

I currently own Proac Studio 140MKII which I’m very satisfiedwith ,sound is detailed and punchy soundstage is vast and dynamic are terrific I run it with McIntosh pre / power system with good results .
In the past I considered upgrading to Response D48R but realized that my listening room is relatively small and maybe I will have to upgrade to better McIntosh power amp to move them properly so decided that the D48R is really not for me.
I am considering now an upgrade to the Proac D30 DS( the dome tweeter version because I understood that dome tweeters last longer than Ribbon ones ) but no chance to make a demo in my country. I guess the overall sound wil be improved-more transparency,details and better soundstage- but I am afraid that moving from 2.5 speakers to 2 way ones will reduce the dynamics and bass I already have with my current Studio 140 MKII ? Is the the D30 a substantial step up over the 140 MKII ?
Before I purchased my D-30R's I had a chance to listen to the D-20R and the D-48R's. The D-48R is wonderful. My thoughts on the D-48R
is that its plays big and effortlessly.  Its very resolving but still maintains
the musicality that Proac's are know for. Unfortunately their also
bigger than my room could manage. The D-30R's are a big jump
up from the D-20R. They don't quite have the scale of the D-48R but in
smaller rooms they will work better. Bass is well controlled and
resolving with good impact. Mid-range is typical Proac and the top
end with the new ribbon twitter is sublime. Some of the best I've heard
period. Good luck

+1 @cmach 
You perfectly nailed the differences between the D30 and D48.

I remember my demo at AXPONA 2017. I was in the medium sized room and they had just started playing Boz Scaggs "Thanks To You" through a Naim system. The low end was really powerful. This track is used to test the low frequency extension of loudspeakers, and I was amazed at how much bass the D30 produced. I made sure that there were no subwoofers installed. It was kind of overloading the room a bit. But the musicality was amazing. This was the first time I was listening to this track.

Now, the D48 has a "larger scale" as a whole. They will sound bad in your room. I am able to say this because I recently interacted with a audiogoner who installed Spendor D9 in his listening room which was almost your dimension. I have listened to the D7 extensively and can imagine how much bass the D9 can produce. It is almost like the ProAc D30 and D48. Anyways, he loved his previous A6/A5, but was thoroughly disappointed with the D9s. The issue was not the D9, but his room. He eventually went with Devore Fidelity loudspeakers in his room and is very content. He told me that his regret was that he sold the ProAc D30 (previous generation). So even if you had money to buy the ProAc D48 or even the K6/K8, they might not fit your room. Hope this helps.
I had been a Proac owner (many of them in the 90's until about 8 years ago.  When I heard the VAndesteen's for similar prices, it was a no brainer for ME, but the Proac's are all great speakers.  Get in touch with Rutan.  It's a free no brainer to me.  The guy has sold Vandy's and Proac's, Maggies and B&W for years and years.  He is a great set up guy and gives legit answers on set up etc...
Just now noticed the drivers of the new D30 RS made of pulp which I heard before in the Studio 148 (Proac stop to sell this model last year) and didn’t like at all it lacks the delicacy,clarity and transparency of the carbon fiber drivers which I currently have with mine Studio 140MKII and were implemented in the previous generation the D30 R too. The D30 RS are not for me I guess...
I will stick to the 140MKII , really love them and they are ideal to my room size.
"The D30 RS are not for me I guess...
I will stick to the 140MKII , really love them and they are ideal to my room size."
itzhak1969-The 30s with the carbon fiber drivers come up for sale on the used market. If you really like them you can get them used. I did and I am VERY happy listening to them.