Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?

I listen most nights after work. I find that the system takes a while to warm up and sounds it's best if it has been shut off. So I leave it on. I always have and this is vintage stuff. The amp is a 25/25 Bedini class A. It stays warm but never hot. It has never caused an issue but recently I've been speaking with others that were stunned that I would do this. So let me know if I'm the only one that lets it run. Do you shut off the equipment after each session?
Rowland Class D amps and Rowland Preamp--I leave them on all the time except during lightning storms.

I can not think how many times this question has been raised and what heat it generates(sorry about that).

I'm a tree hugger and don't leave anything on, even if I'm going to be out for a couple of hours. Why? Well I'm a tree hugger, but also I have valve amps and valves are expensive and have a finite life.

Secondly and it's not often raised as an issue, fire risk. There is an awful lot of high voltage kit in a hifi system. It shorts out and your house is toast. You speak to Firemen here in the UK and what is the number one cause of house fires? No, not hifi systems , but TV's on standby. You get the point. I really believe you should not have a HiFi system powered up, if you are'nt in the house. Just my 5cents worth.

It is fine to leave a solid state preamp on. Years ago I owned a Class’e preamp that had no off switch. Tube gear should be shut off when not in use!
No problem leaving Solid State gear on,  yes, class A gets hot and can raise the electric bill a bit.  
I agree, it sounds better leaving it on.  In fact,  even though a cold amp sounds better after 45 minutes, I contend that it can take weeks on some amps to reach their potential.  
That's all very helpful. I never considered the fire risk. My preamp has been modified and there is no off-switch. I could pull the plug I guess. I am looking for a bigger Bedini to bi-amp with. I have a 100/100. That amp ran very hot and I didn't leave it on when not playing. That was when it was working.  I tried to update caps myself and messed something up. Its been sitting for 2 years now. Maybe my next post will be about where I can get it fixed. Thanks for the responses.