Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)
Above I said:

The electrons that move back and forth at certain frequencies (as determined by current voltage and resistance) in an AC current as a result of the EM wave does.  

In that post I meant to say

The electrons that move back and forth at certain frequencies (as determined by current voltage and resistance) in an AC circuit as a result of the EM wave does

AC circuit, not current.

IMHO, I have never heard any audible difference using "directional" cables ever. Knowledgeable manufacturers (Belden, Canare, etc) don't put arrows on their cables because those products are not directional.
There is one good indication for those arrows, it means one should probably not purchase those products.
Hi Zuio,
 Your question of " Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?" I would say "no". Your question involves much more than an AC power cord. One needs to look at the entire "chain" of components used. Chasing your "5%" by changing AC cables will only drain your wallet. 

Please read Michael Fremer's short review of Audioquest Dragon Source power cords in May 2018 issue of Stereophile, and form your own conclusion....

anyone who buys or considers buying a >3K power cord should have their head examined and fully deserve to have their wallet drained.

absolutely absurd that anyone would buy something like that!

Its interesting that no one has been able to measure what they claim to correct but somehow it can be heard.

I was at one of the local very high end audio stores listening to a pretty high end system, Wilsons, Audio Research and a Linn Klimax source.  The sales guys started doing something with the Linn asking me "do you hear that" then doing something again "do you hear the difference".  I did NOT know what was doing at that time and as it turns out could hear NO difference.  after 5-10 minutes of this he gave up and I finally asked him what we was  doing.  Turns out he was switching the ethernet cable with some unknown cable to a fancy, very pricy (no arrows though) >$500 CAT? cable. I started laughing because I really could not hear a difference and should not have.  I asked what the unknown cable was, CAT5? CAT5e, CAT6 and what there network was, 100m, 1g etc He DID NOT know and he didn't know what the fancy cable was either.  He claimed he can hear the difference and will be selling lots of them his customers who spend $25K on a Linn Klimax.