Am i missing something without a power conditioner?

I need your advice on power conditioners. I know there is alot talked about with power conditioners. But let me explain my situation and what i have. First and foremost i upgraded all my stock power cords. I am using and have a Krell FPB 600 amp with a Shunyata Research Sigma HC power cord. I am using and have an Audio Research Ref 6 preamp with a Shunyata King Cobra Helix CX power cord. And have a Rega ISIS cd player with a Shunyata Sigma digital power cord. I have 1 dedicated 20 amp line with a 4 plug 20 amp wall outlet that my amp and preamp plug into. My question is with these high quality power cords do i still need a power conditioner? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Like others said, you just have to try. I initially started by buying a used Audience AR1p (i think) for a couple of hundred. I plugged it into the wall and plugged my Wiremold power strip into it and I was very pleased with the result. So much so, I ended up with an AR6T that I’ve had since about 2009 with no regrets. I don’t follow the classifieds much, but I have seen AR6s (non-teflon) up at fabulous prices and it’s a first-class item, even without the T-caps. Maybe try one and check it out.  In fact, there is a 6T up for 2k, which is really a good price.  I know it's a lot of money, but cheap power conditioners can really ruin a system.  Good luck.
Dear Tatooed great name by the way.

Power conditioners are one of the most under apperciated and best things you can do for a system.

We have been doing this for over 30 years and have seen the countless times that adding a good power conditioner has made a stunning improvement in realism to a system.

We have also tried many of the major brands searching for the most effective units that would fit most of our clients systems.

We have tested over the years, Richard Gray, Exact power, Silver Circle, Audience, Shunyata, Isotek Gen 2, Isotek Gen 3, Audio Magic, PS Audio, Audioquest, Running Springs and I am sure a few others we have forgotten.

We are also running dedicated 20 amp lines with Furutech outlets as well.

Long story short the right power conditioner opens up a system's soundstage width and depth, lowers apparent noise blacker blacks, tightens up bass and aids in hearing and apperciating micro dynamics.

So in our tests even with really expensive power cords the right power conditioner makes a huge improvement.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Well i really love my Shunyata power cords. And i definitely hear a difference. With that being said i was thinking about a used shunyata Deloni 2000t for about $2000 but then i would need a power cord for it. And knowing me it would have to be a Shunyata.. Depending on how much i am willing to spend on the PC , That might be another $ 1200 to $ 1500. So know we are up to about $3500. The more i think about it the more it would not be worth maybe the small amount of sonic improvement vs the $. I really have some great PCs already and i think ill stick with that for now.. 
Tattoed, sometimes another Shunyatta may not be the answer. Shunyatta
s products tend to add a lot of warmth which may or may not be exactly what you want.

We have found a mind blowing way of making a system a lot better for less than $3,500.00 

Isotek makes the Syncro a power cord with an active power conditioner built in, the Syncro removes any stray DC on the line, and wow you can easily hear what is does, they are $2,000.00 get a passive distribution box like a Furutech FT 609 and you will be out for a $1,000.00 less with a more neutral power improvement solution and you can upgrade from the Furutech to an even better power box later. 

The Syncro has made a huge improvement in every power conditioner and system we have tried it with.

What you hear is greater attack and micro dynamics. Makes the system come alive and sound more exciting. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I will vouch for the Isotek Syncro. I paired one with an Isotek Aquarius EVO3 so that the Syncro feeds the juice to the Aquarius which in turn provides 6 outlets. I got both for about $4K new with a discount. But I was warned and I stand by the adage that with power conditioners, everything is system-dependent including the variables of locale and power coming into the house. I recently had an electrician over at the house to install additional dedicated lines into my listening room. We got to talking about isolation transformers and subpanels and fancy breaker switches and he was quite knowledgeable about all of these things and basically thought they were all unnecessary or overkill other than maybe a smaller isolation transformer in the listening room. He stressed that the major determinant of clean power is where you are in relation to the closest outdoor power transformer and how or if your neighbors are polluting the power before it comes to you.