Subwoofer match for Harbeth 30.1

I'm considering adding a single sub to my system, now running the Harbeth 30.1 monitors. Considering the usual suspects - REL or JL Audio. In my room, the 30.1 have a great midbass, but would benefit from some support below 50hz.

Has anyone had particularly good results matching a sub with the 30.1?

Thanks 'Goners,
-Bob R
Bob, I have often heard that Harbeths don't have very low bass, My brother wouldn't part with his JBL Century 100's because of this. I would go with a REL Britiania series B1 or B2 you can find them used and the upgraded SPKON cord from will make any REEL sound much more solid. Or go with a New JL Sub. I will say that I have great success with matching a REL to my super fast Dynaudio Contour 3.0's. I really like the older B series REL subs over the new shiny black stuff.
Google the reviews and the specs on the Vandersteen 2WQ subwoofer and its hi-end crossovers as a match for 2 channel audio systems.

It has three downward firing drivers.

Note: NOT the V2W model for home theatre which has the LFE output from an AV preamp/ processor.

Highly recommended .... The dealer suggested it for a demo for 2 channel that bested all comers that day.
The new E Sub line from JL audio; There are several good reviews out that are easy to find. I think you would be hard-pressed to find better performance or better value. I love also that they are made in America.
take that, REL
The new E Sub line from JL audio; There are several good reviews out that are easy to find. I think you would be hard-pressed to find better performance or better value. I love also that they are made in America.
take that, REL
Thanks all-
Looks like everybody is thinking along the same lines. I'll check into the Vandersteen 2WQ as well.

Let me know if anyone has any specific RELs that would match up best. I've been looking at the older B Series, but think that maybe a sealed design (as opposed to ported) would match the quickness and resolution of the Harbeth 30.1 a bit better.