Linear Tube Audio at Axpona

I would love to hear from folks who had a chance to check out the Linear Tube Audio gear at the show (Teajay?)? I'm very interested in the new ultra linear amp which got good advance notice here at Audiogon, and the preamp which seems a refinement of the microzotl.
@doni  I encourage you to take advantage of LTA's trial offer. The only way to know is to get it in your system. All the best.
Guys, I already have the MZ2, and love it, that's why I'm wondering if it can drive the AN speakers.  It's currently using it to drive a Pass XA30.8 and Vandersteen Treo CT's.
@doni  My point, and I think Lance's as well, is to consider slightly more power by adding one of their amps after the MZ2. 1 W, though sufficient for some music and at some volumes, etc. will leave you wanting in many ways. Their 10 or 40 watt options make more sense or the new Ultralinear amp. You can trial any, and then compare to the MZ2 (as both pre and amp). The other option is to continue using it with the Pass XA-30.8 (which I have by the way).