As per the PS Audio stuff, we haven't heard it or tested it vs our setups so we can't really comment on how it actually performs.
The point we make is that with the Monos at $15k plus the preamp at $4-7k plus two power cables and interconnects gets you a stone's throw from the T+A HV 3100 integrated which is an absolutely amazing sounding product.
We would love to test the Stereo amp and preamp and see how it compares to our other lines and if it is really good we would most likely sign up to sell their gear.
Our past PS experience the Perfect wave dac was okay so we haven't really formed a pro vs con experience about PS.
Akaim that is not really the point sure a set of Cerwin Vegas will play loud but the size and power of that kind of speaker will give you is not the same as the wave launch of a much physically larger speaker in a big room, the larger the room the larger the loudspeaker needs to be, hence our recommendations.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ