We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses

LOL, I'll bet I gotcha on that Title! ;)  BTW, I put this thread under "Tech Talk" category as it involves the system physically, not tangentially. 

More seriously, two question survey:

1. Do you think designer fuses are A) a Gift to audiophiles, or B) Snake Oil 

2. Have you ever tried them?  Yes or No

In the tradition of such questions on Agon, I'll weigh in as we go along... 
Feel free to discuss and rant all you wish, but I would like to see clear answers to the questions. :) 
@douglas_schroeder "A fine HiFi component should readily reveal any such changes."

That's an excellent point.  I've found that better tube amplifiers possess more ability to reflect the tubes used in them than lesser tube amplifiers
One of the goals of a good designer will be to minimize the sensitivity of the performance of his or her design to extraneous factors, such as the vagaries of incoming power, expectable differences in the characteristics of other system components that may be used in conjunction with the design, and, yes, fuses. However, based on a very substantial body of empirical and anecdotal evidence it seems clear that as a practical matter that goal generally falls well short of being fully realized.

On the other hand, though, IMO it is also true that the correlation between sensitivity to extraneous hardware-related factors and the sonic quality and musical resolution of a design also falls well short of being perfect. To cite just one obvious example to illustrate that point, among countless other examples that could be cited:

Everything else being equal, a speaker having low impedance, and/or an impedance which varies widely over the frequency range, will be more resolving of differences between amplifiers and speaker cables than a speaker having high impedance and/or an impedance which doesn’t vary greatly over the frequency range. Would one conclude from that fact that the high impedance speaker is necessarily inferior in terms of sonic quality and resolution of musical detail? Or going even further that the high impedance speaker is "junk" and "horrid design"?

So just as maximizing the sonic quality and musical resolution of a design may have a tendency to work in the direction of increasing sensitivity to extraneous hardware-related factors, intelligent circuit design may have a tendency to work in the opposite direction. And generally speaking, IMO, the net result of those competing tendencies will be a correlation between sonic quality and resolution of musical detail on the one hand, and resolution of hardware differences on the other hand, that while being significantly greater than zero is also significantly less than perfect. So I would have to respectfully but emphatically disagree with Doug’s blanket characterization of insensitivity to fuse differences as signifying "junk" and "horrid design." And I believe that most experienced electronics designers would agree with me.

-- Al
Tubes contain enough components in their makeup to display tonal differences in a somewhat obvious, and generally explainable way…fuses, even with all of the back and forth conversation including  accolades for the "magic" high end versions, claims of sonic differences between these things, and hyperbolic exaggeration from "fusers" claiming amazement at the resulting sonic nirvana provided by fuse replacement, have left one item off the plate in this entire dialog: Why do expensive "audiophile" replacement fuses, when used with any component anywhere, do anything other than act as a fuse? What makes them "more fusey?" Do they provide more fusage? Is it likely they're tiny fund generators for businesses recognizing that subjective opinion is trashed when expectation bias creeps into the brain from the bank account? People claiming to hear things is not new, and people who claim to not hear things in the face of ridicule from others is also not new. But people designing things without any attempt at noting how and why they may work is somewhat unethical, and simply appeals to the desperate tweaker who seems to need something to imagine.

left one item off the plate in this entire dialog: Why do expensive "audiophile" replacement fuses, when used with any component anywhere, do anything other than act as a fuse? 
Oh, but it has been pointed out. Repeatedly. You just prefer to ignore it when posted and ask in a different way. Repeatedly.

But what you ask made for a nice seque to your rant. 👍

All the best,
Tubes contain enough components in their makeup to display tonal differences in a somewhat obvious, and generally explainable way…fuses, even with all of the back and forth conversation including accolades for the "magic" high end versions, claims of sonic differences between these things, and hyperbolic exaggeration from "fusers" claiming amazement at the resulting sonic nirvana provided by fuse replacement, have left one item off the plate in this entire dialog: Why do expensive "audiophile" replacement fuses, when used with any component anywhere, do anything other than act as a fuse?

>>>>I’m afraid I have to disagree with you on your theory, Wolfman. My experience is different. Totally different. I find tubes to be rather mysterious inasmuch as no one seems to have been able to figure out why the NOS wartime tubes sound so great. Some of the mystery is very low noise.  In some cases you can reverse engineer them but by and large they are a complete mystery. They can’t be copied. If they could figure it out they could reproduce them, but they can’t. The other thing is that when you settle in on your favorite tubes, whatever they might be, probably NOS wartime tubes, using Herbies tube dampers improves their performance considerably. Of course the fuse thing is SO obvious. It’s your word against 70,000. Hel-loo!