if you have addressed the turntable, and your amplifier is not blowing its brains out, then it leaves one thing - acoustic feedback.
what is under the hard wood floors in your room. Do wood beams run under the floor ?
Why are my woofers pumping?
I’ve read that the typical reason for woofer pumping is that the cartridge / arm resonance is too low. I tested, with my Hifi News test record, and yes, the lateral test puts the resonance at 7 hz or so – too low (but I’ve seen some doubts about the results from that test record). It is strange, since the combo I use – Lyra Atlas cartridge and SME V arm (on a Hanss T-30 player) is supposed to work well. I tried to strip my arm of extras, cleaned the damping trough, etc – but it did not help much.
Anyone has an idea, why it happens, or what to do about it?