I don't understand why anybody would feel uber-expensive amps would have a negative impact on anything. Many astonishingly great sounding items exist for those unwilling or unable to spend kilo bucks on an amp, and the comparison to Ferraris or a Rolls doesn't fly in audio, as high end cars out perform lessor brands in obvious ways. My current rig is the best sounding I've owned in over 50 years of being a musician and at least aware of high quality audio (jumped from my early 70s KLH Model 20 to a Denon-Boston acoustics to an Acurus-Vandersteen many years ago and piles of things in between), and my Schiit Freya preamp (700 bucks), hand made Dennis Had "Firebottle" amp (1000 bucks slightly used…which is obvious because it has its birthday on the bottom panel), 2 REL subs (200 bucks each), nice solid core cables (cheap Morrows replacing AQs, and sounding perfectly unobtrusive) were pretty seriously inexpensive items relative to much else out there that works well. I've bought and sold speakers and things I've replaced (often simply due to boredom) at enough of a profit to pay for new things (like my Klipsch Heresy III "Capital Edition" speakers at 1499 shipped). My reference for sound is mightily influenced by my experience in the "cat bird seat" at live shows I mix, and occasional visits to high end joints like Goodwin's to hear mega systems. The mega systems aren't in my well sorted gear pile home location so maybe that's a disadvantage, but although the Dags and Rockports and Boulders seem cool, my el-cheapo pile actually does sound better, in all ways.