How many pair of speakers do you own?

Since I am a self proclaimed speaker nut, I was trying to justify to my wife that having 5 pair of speakers is normal for an audiophilic addict. Curious also about what type, Dynamic, Planar, Single Driver etc; If you are member of this sight, you probably have a mania towards some component or other. Mine is Loudspeakers, which I learned early are 70% of your system. To me they may be >> 80%

bbchem, four. No, wait a minute. Does my wife's dresser top system count?
I think I have about 15 pairs that I have acquired over the years and about 10 pairs that I have built in the last few years during my DIY years. I have about 4 or 5 more brands that I want to experience before I start going the other direction.
My current lineup

#1 Ohm Walsh
#2 Epicure 3.0
#3 DCM Time Windows
#4 Kinetic Audio Efficiency
#5 Bose 901 series 2 (Stacked)
#6 AR 2s

Speakers that I had recently, and did not keep.
#1 JBL Northridge E100
#2 Klipsh SF2

Next in lne on my wish list.
#1 a set of magnepan's
#2 A vintage pair of Allison's
#3 Any deal I can find
Your 1,2, and 3 are some of my all time faves...
How do you like those Epicure 3's?
Good luck on some vintage Allisons.. get the big ones with the two 10" woofs at the bottom