Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)
Shirley you jest.
As Leslie Nielsen said in the movie "Airplane," which I'm sure you've seen, "don't call me Shirley" :-)

BTW, I agree with everything in your post.

-- Al 
In the beginning of 2015 I started to do new research in electricity. In 2002 I already started to test powercables, and mann they can make a huge improvement.

You need to maximise everthing first before you can use powercables at the max. You need to create a separate audiogroup for your audio. To use better electricity cables from where it starts to your outlet.

And you need the best conditioner for the money you can get. And here you have the same problem based on the fact that most conditioners are incomplete and not able to reveal all the different properties of sound.

All the trail and error peopel have no F idea which properties are there and which are missing. They all do audio by pure gambling.

But........electricity is much more complex. Also in 2015 I started to do research in smog, magnetism and high frequent noise. I always have many conversations with people who are specialized in these areas. And we have conversations sometimes for hours on the phone.

They have not the time I have and not the level in audio as I own. But they still give me great information and ideas. I also read a lot on the internet of all the different parts.

I made huge steps in the last few months. Like a client of mine said; you are able to put knowledge on knowledge over and over again. It is like I am building a watchtower and it becomes higher and higher. I can see more things which I could not see and hear before.

The acoustics, electricity, smog, magnetism and high frequent noise have a huge influence on each part in your system. I can garantee you all that you have no F.idea how much you loose in quality and effectivity.

You only have access for a low % of the whole quality each single part in your system can create. The new Audioquest powercables created new things and options based on the adjustments I created in sound.

This make me reach a superior level out of any powercable. Which never can be reached by all those 1980 audio thinkers. I will invite the 2 people who are in charge of Audioquest Europe soon to show them and proof how low the level is what they can use of their new powercables

And after that I will let them hear what I created. And no I will never tell them how I do it. It is my knowledge and ideas and they are not for free.

Beside the knowledge they also only can think at the level of a child. What I told them on the phone. They also do audio by trial and error. It cost me thousands of tests and almost 20 years to be able to think at this level.

It is that difficult to understand it. When I say; I see you as children it is no F joke. It is a 100% fact what I can proof by sound and I can do it over and over again. It is not that I want to make them look like fools. I want them to understand that trial and error is the dead of audio. And that it will decrease the audiomarket each year more and more.

Absolutely, some much better than others. In the past I have used top cords from TekLine, but have mostly switched to Wire World, who calls his 'power conditioners'

They certainly increased the overall performance of my 2 Emerald Physics EP 100.2 SEs
When we sit listening to our stereos, we can’t literally see photons or electricity, but we can hear differences. 

But, to the OP, I have a Triode Wire Labs “Digital American” power cable on order to arrive this week. It is designed specifically for class D sources, amps. Supposedly helps to reduce brightness of Class D and help sound more organic. 

Will see. Check it out on their website. $500. 30 day return policy. 
If its expensive then you will trick your mind into thinking there is a difference!😆