Charles1Dad, you may not believe it and say that it is hype but we have compared the Dac 8 to more expensive dacs and when driven correctly the sound is really awesome.
If you check out John Darko's review of the Dac 8 Mr. Darko compared a $4k T+A Dac 8 to the DCS Rossiini and a couple of other expensive dac and his conclusion was that the Dac 8 came quite close.
We do sell way more expensive dacs in our shop it is just how good the dac 8 can sound is why we recommend it so highly, and at this point we have never heard a $4k dac with this kind of sound quality.
A Dac 8 DSD vs the Denefrips would be very interesting.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
If you check out John Darko's review of the Dac 8 Mr. Darko compared a $4k T+A Dac 8 to the DCS Rossiini and a couple of other expensive dac and his conclusion was that the Dac 8 came quite close.
We do sell way more expensive dacs in our shop it is just how good the dac 8 can sound is why we recommend it so highly, and at this point we have never heard a $4k dac with this kind of sound quality.
A Dac 8 DSD vs the Denefrips would be very interesting.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ