+1 Dlcockrum
I think that one has the be careful about a DAC like the T&A DSD 8 when most of the sound is from what looks like poorly implemented filters.
I think the fixation on DACs and their sound is a mistake. Get a good high quality tube preamp with the right tubes and create the tailored sound you want. Simply Connect a high performance SS DAC - any number of Stereophile class A+ will do and many others that Stereophile hasnt reviewed.
Carefully crafted optimal sound does does not need to come out of one box and one box alone.
Synergy anyone?
A high synergy 10K system will beat a poorly matched 100K system.
I think that one has the be careful about a DAC like the T&A DSD 8 when most of the sound is from what looks like poorly implemented filters.
I think the fixation on DACs and their sound is a mistake. Get a good high quality tube preamp with the right tubes and create the tailored sound you want. Simply Connect a high performance SS DAC - any number of Stereophile class A+ will do and many others that Stereophile hasnt reviewed.
Carefully crafted optimal sound does does not need to come out of one box and one box alone.
Synergy anyone?
A high synergy 10K system will beat a poorly matched 100K system.