Integrate AVR and 2-Channel; Why so complicated?

I have what I think is a basic system need, yet cannot seem to determine the best way to go about configuring it.

I have an A/V Receiver that I use for HT. I would like to buy an Integrated Amp, or separates, for 2 channel listening. For 2 channel, I want the signal to be Source (cd player) => Integrated Amp ==> Loudspeakers.

For HT, I really don't care, it can continue to go through the AVR, or it can go from the Pre-Out on the AVR to the Integrated.

I thought I might be able to accomplish this with something like the Channel Islands VPC•3 Passive Controller, which is a preamp with a volume pot and an imput switch. Or, do I need and Integrated amp with an HT Bypass feature? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks for your responses. I have been checking out the Rega Mira 3 Integrated, and noticed that it has "Power Amp In" RCA inputs. This sounds like a version of HT bypass -- it seems that I could run the Pre-Outs from my AVR into this jack and bypass the Rega's preamp section. Not totally sure if this is true, however.

What about running a the Pre-Outs from my AVR for the 2 front channels into a line-in input on the Rega? Would this work, and would I be able to control the volume with the AVR?

Thanks in advance...
This might work depending on the interactions between the selected input on the Rega and the inserted signals fromthe AVR. This is not a real HT bypass.


I'm going to see if I can speak to a dealer and get details on option #1. What about Line-Level from the AVR Pre-outs? Any idea on that? My focus here is upgrading my 2-channel sound while maintaining acceptable HT sound.


This is actually very simple, especially if you buy an integrated amp or amp/pre-amp with HT bypass/processor loop.

There are plenty of good integrated amps out there that have HT bypass. A few older units that I've owned with this feature were Arcam Alpha 10, Plinius 8200 and Anthem Integrated-2, and they all worked well.

Simply build a good 2-channel system using CD->integrated->speakers. Then take the L&R pre-outs from your HT receiver into the HT bypass/processor loop input of the integrated amp and connect all of your multi-channel/HT sources to the receiver. Once you calibrate your HT system with the integrated powering the front speakers, there really isn't any additional complexity over your current AVR, except pushing the HT bypass button on the integated when you plan to use HT sources.


My Naim Nait 5i has a unity gain option for AV. Highly recommended unit if it meets your needs.