About 10 years ago Dertonarm explained to me why he prefers
SUT's and FR-7 kinds. But his SUT ''theory'' was that both
impedance and inductance need to ''correspond'' for optimal
result. Because of my, uh, ignorance, I thought that I would
need an separate SUT for each of my MC carts and was not
willing (than) to sell my home for the SUT's. So I bought my first
(expensive) phono-pre: Basis Exclusive with battery power supply.
With my present knowledge or rather experience I would save
about 4000 euro by buying Denon AU-S1. According to the
user manual this SUT covers all impedances form 2-40 Ohms
while my MC collection also covers 2-40 impedances. So only
the inductance is not known. To ''cover'' this lack of knowledge
I bought Denon's special made cart for this SUT: DL-S1.
I assume that Denon knows the theory and consequently
adjusted also the inductance accordingly.