T+A elektroakustik HV Series Components

T+A stands for Theory and Application.

I'm keeping this broad and open to T+A's HV Series components (HV = High Voltage),

Which (currently) includes two integrated amplifiers, two multi-source players, preamplifier, amplifier, power supply, and SACD/CDP/DAC.

Creating this thread for owners to share their impressions, findings, thoughts, experiences, and questions about their HV components. Comparisons to other T+A Series products are also welcome.
I recently purchased the T+A PA 3100 HV integrated amplifier. The new unit went into my system three days ago. I will be posting findings as I get more time on the unit.

I had a chance to evaluate a PA 3100 HV demo unit in my home system for a number of weeks, prior to my purchase decision. My amplifier evaluation also included other integrated amplifiers as well as my Pass XP-20 and XA-30.8 preamplifier and amplifier.

The integrated amplifiers auditioned/demoed in home were:

- Lyric Audio Ti140 Mk2 (PP KT150)
- Mastersound Evo 845 (Parallel SE 845)
-Ypsilon Phaethon (Hybrid)

Other integrated amplifiers on my list were the Grandinote Essenza, Gryphon 300 and the Vitus SIA-025. I hope to demo these (or equivalents) at dealers or in-home at some point.


looking forward in reading about your observations and impressions.

Your Pass Labs combo is very sweet.

Happy Listening!

I hope you're enjoying that T+A unit, I do lust after it. And as you know I also purchased a Lyric Ti140 MK2 which is immensely enjoyable. Down the line I definitely do wanna pair my tube integrated with a solid state integrated, either the T+A or the Gryphon.
Although in different setups, I recently heard Magico A3s with the T+A PA 3100 HV and the Gryphon 300 with YG Carmel IIs. The Gryphon/YG combination had more detail, air, defined bass, etc... I don't know if it was the room, amp, or combination of both. I recently talked to someone that had both the T+A and Gryphon 300 and prefers the Gryphon 300 as being more open, detailed without brightness, and overall more musical in his opinion. Before "someone" screams the T+A is so much better, that's just one opinion! I'll repeat, it's so important to try components in your own system and let your ears decide.
@jafant Thank you.

@nitewulf The Lyric Audio Ti140 Mk2 rose to being very special, when certain synergies kicked in. Quite amazing.

@ricred1 +1 on "it’s so important to try components in your own system and let your ears decide."