To those who've tkn Vandersteen 5A upgrade plunge

I've got a pair of Vandersteen 5's (am the original owner), and am curious as to what the experience has been for those who have upgraded, in regards to changes in the sound, since it's an expensive upgrade, and I've heard differing opinions before as to just how much of a difference it makes.

I've considered taking the money it would cost and putting it into a relatively better turntable cartridge, cd player, or possibly preamp at a future date; I currently have an SME 20/SME V combo plus an Ayre cx-7e, K3x, and V5xe(though it's quite possible I'd spend the saved money on the rig anyway, even w/ the upgrade...). Do you think the money is better spent elsewhere, or as well or better spent here?

Thanks for any feedback!
Audiophilia is all about upgrading. If you dont, you will know that your speakers' potential is compromised, and you will feel pain in that. I have heard that the 5A's are about to be updated. Richard V said that the biggest problem with the 5A's is that the speaker is all time aligned except for the woofer. I suppose the 5B's or whatever they will be called will be completely time aligned. Lets get out the checkbook yet again.
Yes, contact Richard. He will tell all you want to hear and more. The consumate sales rep.and biggest advocate for his line-up.
I would sell the 5s used... then buy a pair of used 5As.

The best way to go about this is this though... do not sell until after you buy and after you take delivery of the 5A (used). Then you can do a demo and be sure of your decision. Not only that, but you will guarantee yourself to not be "speaker-less" in the interim that you sell your 5s only to find there are no 5As to be had on audiogon.

Buy the 5As used, then sell your 5s. I think your net loss would be at most, $3K. That's a LOT easier to swallow than a $9K loss that you will absolutely NEVER see again in the used/resale market... given the price that a used 5A picks up.

Do not blow your money away like that, especially with middle America tight with money in this economic time of ours.

Good luck with your decision.

I'm a Vandersteen dealer. Let me try to clarify a few things.

1. The 5A is an improved version of the 5. How much better? As with everything in life, that will be for each listener to decide. The changes involve upgraded drivers, new switching power amplifier for the subwoofers, and new crossover. Fine tuning is done by hand to each speaker individually in the chamber.

2. For some people properly setting up and dialing-in the Model 5/5A will be possible. For many who are less experienced and/or knowledgeable, it will be difficult. A dealer (like me) has lots of experience setting up Model 5 and 5A's in all kinds of different enviornments and will be better able to insure optimal set up than a guy who is winging it for the first time.

3. Anyone who has original Model 5's and is perfectly happy with them can keep them for a lifetime and remain perfectly happy. I am always facinated by those who get upset when the manufacturer improves a design (in this case it took nearly 8 years before the 5A came out) and offers the latest upgrades to existing customers. It's a bonus for those who to upgrade to the new model. If you don't want to upgrade, that's perfectly fine too. No one is putting a gun to your head. It's just nice to have the option.

4. As a dealer who has done a number of 5 to 5A upgrades, it is the least profitable and least pleasureable thing I can think of. We become more like a moving company; picking up, shiping off, receiving, and delivering back to your house. We also have to rent a truck because the 5's won't fit in our van. Not fun.
Do all those suggestions and market values (for 5's and 5A's still stand? It sounds like 5's are (purely coincidentially) woth say $5,000 where the 5A's (current model) bring about $11,500? (Plus some $ for a crossover?)
Anyone know wah the current upgrade cost is? There is a fabulous pair on AG right now for $5000 and they look perfect !