What speakers play the loudest cleanly ?

Wondering what speakers you guys have auditioned that play very loudly while remaining clean? In my (limited) experience it would be Revel Salons but I'm wondering what else is out there along those lines? I have no particuliarly good reason for the question, just curious.
Hello all, I think that when someone says what speakers play loud or I listen loud we need a reference. The poster of this post says "that play very loudly" what do you think is loud? Have any of the responders measured their system when it is playing loud? How loud is loud? 90db+, 100db+ or perhaps 110db+. I am sure the last would be loud. High 90dbs to me is loud in my system with rare peaks above 105db and even rarer above 110db.
That's loud? I consider 94 db to 105 db to be rich, full, and room filling. Beyond that is when the fun begins. :)

BTW, cool bikes.

acoustat6 is on mark. i bought a spl meter for $50 (radio shack) and it is a real shocker to realize how loud even 87 db is with peaks to 110. it is the clarity of the sound that is most critical. speakers that sound better loud than soft are not great spkrs imo. spl drops off fairly quickly as you back off speaker. lively rooms will create resonance and high spl but that is not music is it? maybe off point here but realistic symphony volume is possible without sounding 'loud'. fwiw... yes the klipsch can rattle the cabinets. most other horns too. simple physics.