Best of the best Integrated amps in 2018

I'm starting this new thread to talk about the Uber integrated amps available today on the market.Here i'm talking about integrated amps that can easily equal in performance $30K worth of separates and above.A list of them that i can think of :

D'Agostino Momentum integrated, Jeff Rowland Daemon, Vitus MP-I201, Vitus RI-101, Bel Canto Black, Pass INT-250, Gryphon Diablo 300, T+A PA 3100 HV, McIntosh MA9000, Ypsilon Phaeton, Soulution 530, CH Precision Integrated, Audionet Watt, Audionet Stern-Heisenberg Integrated (to be released), Esoteric P-03A, Dartzeel CTH-8550, Boulder 865, Audio Research GSI 75 and others.
Please share your experience if you have auditioned or own some of these amazing machines.
The Audionet Humboldt will be the new reference integrated amp lauching this year for €35K.
Also the new Vitus SIA-030 coming up probably at around €30K.

thielisteI have heard the TAD floor-stander ($30K model) with Pass Labs and Parasound electronics and did not enjoy the "sound" as well. IMO, it is an over-priced speaker, especially, compared to a Thiel. Over on other Audio forums, several guys are using Mark Levinson gear both new and older, in their systems.I look forward in reading more about your auditions.Happy Listening!
Room treatement is cheap with good "cathedral panel", and you will have a 30 days trial, 
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The Vitus SIA-025 is sublime. It isn’t being replaced by the SIA-030 as the above post suggests. Vitus has stated that it is one of their best-sellers and will not be replaced. The SIA-030 is an altogether bigger beast.