The best I have heard is the Ayre QB-9. There is a used one on Ebay for $1700.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I want to digitally record my vinyl but I'm not sure how to approach it successfully.
+1 teo_audio As I've moved through the LP recording process with successive modifications to a Tascam DA-3000 ADC, the best barometer I have found is comparison of the DSD recording to the commercial SACD. You know you're on track when the two sound close-- or in some instances, the DSD-recorded vinyl is preferable. |
jahatl513 I have a Kaiser-Baas converter but are no longer available. Try this link for ideas: The recording software for the PC is important. Mine was basic but that was 6 years ago. Software to help "tune" digital is becoming quite complex, however I still prefer playing the analogue. |
Jbrrp1 thanks for the clarification. Details matter....:) |