I’ll just take some issue here:
- The electronics - preamp and amp / 4 / the amount of money wasted on $5,000 preamps and amps is amazing.
"wasted" is of course subjective and depends on the value anyone puts on something.
My current pre-amp, a Conrad Johnson tube pre-amp, retailed at around $8,000 when new (long ago), but I bought it for much less used. Still...it was pretty expensive.
I’ve tried all manner of pre-amps over the years, solid state, various tube, passive, and I’ve also bypassed pre-amps both using a digital pre-amp, and running a DAC with volume control (e.g. Benchmark) direct in to my amps.
In general I always found I lost one thing, gained another. I own my current pre-amp because it is, to my perception, the best combination of everything I was looking for - a sense of transparency that approached bypassing a pre-amp, yet without the darkening of tone I always found when bypassing a pre-amp, combining fabulous clarity with a tube-like ease to the presentation. I value that hard-to-find combination quite highly so the price paid was far from"wasted" in my estimation.
I would make a similar case for my tube amp (CJ monoblocks).
YMMV of course.
(And, that said, I certainly don't think you need to spend lots of money for "good" or "accurate" sound in many cases regarding amps and pre-amps).