Nakamichi Cassette Decks

I would like to hear from anyone who can tell me if the Nakamichi decks are better than say a upper end Denon DRW 800A, And second is there a big dirrence in the way the different models sound in playback mode. I' thinking of buying a Nakamichi MR2
Still very happy with my 582 which I bought mainly to play my old collection of tapes AND because it was so freaking cheap it would have been criminal not to buy it! Have it hooked up with a pair of Nordost White Lightning interconnect to my main system.
On many tapes the sq is very close to a vinyl version of same album.
@vinny55  not at the moment as I have had these decks restored very recently. The BIG Nak I bought directly from Willy Hermann and the Tandberg were restored by (Late) Ken McQueen. I'll let you know if I change my mind ;).

I'd agree that the 682 ZX ( not the 680) comes close to 1000zxl in PB only. I've not heard a better recorder than the 1000zxl. It boils down to the way the 1000 calibrates the deck for the tape it's going to record on.

@livin_262002 actually the guy who owned dragons 3014a revoxes alpine zx7 zx9 1000zxl 700s 680 and 682 says that his 680zx sounds better than 682zx. And the closest to the sound of the 1000zxl. 

I am floored at the length of this thread!  This says a lot about Naks in general...although I haven't used mine in years, I still remember vividly the differences in the top end Naks and the others, along with other manufacturers' machines.  Although I liked other decks, from various manufacturers such as Teac, Tandberg, etc., and despite having owned several other decks, I ended up with only Naks.  They just sounded better to me.  After selling off everything but my last two, a Dragon and a 700ZXL, I did some A-B testing.

(I had two 700ZXLs but sold one to a friend - talk about seller's remorse...)

Bottom line: to my ears, the Dragon was a superb deck, that reproduced music from top to bottom beautifully. 

HOWEVER, again, to my ears, the 700ZXL had a more 'organic', smoother sound...and could reproduce bass notes that you couldn't even hear.  I believe they tested down to some absurd frequency, like 11 Hz.  You need a good subwoofer to really hear, and feel, what they can do.

One other thing to note: the 700ZXL was designed and built with a cost-no-object philosophy that seemed to end with the death of Etsuro Nakamichi.  The amount of shielding and dampening material used, and the silence of the mechanism itself, were beyond reproach - and I am certain that it added to the quality of the reproduced sound.

When playing tapes from other decks, though, unless the 700ZXL's heads matched up perfectly with the other deck's, the Dragon won this one, hands down.  The heads were designed to follow the tracks, maximizing performance from all tapes.

Wow I have read a lot about the mystic of the 700 ZXL! A beautiful machine also. I have the 700 II and its a great machine. It's nick name I hear is the "toaster". Its a good  playback machine. Non metal record capable however. I just found out tonight that my Dragon has gone through its last checks at the bench and will be shipped out this week. The tech scolded me for letting the punch rollers get so dirty so he is helping me out by disconnecting a switch that allows engagement of the transport with the tape cover off. Now I can place the cotton swap on a moving roller like I do on my Tandberg. Awesome. There is a lot of history and nostalgia with cassettes. I have many fond memories recording through the years. I remember dreaming and looking at the salesman showing the TOTL decks to me in the 80s and could only hope to have such a wonderful piece of equipment one day. Now I can actually own these 2nd hand beauties. Have them restored and they live!. My Dragon has been down a couple of years so it will be nice to have it up and running. I'm an audiophile and do listen critcally more than I should. Stereophile used to put cassette decks down. I know with the right tape and calibrated machine it can be magical. Musical. A snob could bash it and put it down. Its something about the machine actually moving the tape thats so cool. Yes I'm a tape head and I stand proud.