Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet?

Things seem to have gone a little dark on these speakers, or am I imagining that?  I ordered mine in September and didn't receive them yet.  Was curious if anyone has received theirs yet?

Haven't seen any new online traffic regarding the speakers either, which makes me wonder if any are really out yet?

If so, are they as expected?

Emailed Zu but didn't hear back on the status.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xparsons
As hoped and expected, the "edge" is coming off these nicely as the hours roll through.  Timing is right perception of drag in the timing like the first couple of hours.  The soundstage is pushing back into the room and past the back wall more every hour, and there's even more air and ease between the instruments.  Decay is improving and at times is stunning.  As I've noticed in past improvements, I'm not aware I'm turning the volume up a lot higher because the cleanliness and music doesn't sound "shouty".  No complaints from the family that it's too loud, even thought it's at higher volumes than before. 

They are already a clear upgrade over my Soul Supremes, which are killer speakers that I still love dearly.  I'm definitely noticing more sparkle up top with cymbals, and in spite of being more pinpoint on some details, they're losing the hi-fi'ness I was noting when fresh out of the box.  I expect that to disappear completely over the next few days based on the first 12 hours or so.
Nice... keep the updates coming.  Right now you are carrying the torch on this forum for Druid VI owner impressions!  

I've been tempted to get Druids.  I love my DefHeads (top half of Def IV's) to death, and I also enjoy cranking my Omen DW's.  I just sold my Superflys as they were spending too much time on the sidelines.  I really enjoyed my Superflys, but they are a bit more fussy than the Omens or the DefHeads.  

I've always been curious about Zu's matte finishes.  Having gloss finish on my Superflys always made me nervous... too easy to get marked up.  My parents would come visit and set something on top of them and it would drive me crazy.  Walnut and hickory finishes make me breathe much easier.  My hickory Omens almost look indestructible.  With that said if I were to get Druids I'd probably get V's mostly due to budget but also because I don't think Zu offers wood finishes for the VI.  
Yes I would like to hear your thoughts on the VIs as well,they look pretty cool but if not mistaken they use an Eminence driver which IMO is junk
My Def 4s are gloss black which looks amazing in my living room. However, I saw the Druid VIs in white at CAF and they were stunning.
I can confirm the gloss black and the matte black are both stunning in their own rights--I have Zus in both (two sets and a sub in matte).  I'm currently favoring the matte but that's obviously a personal thing.  I can't imagine anyone being anything but in love with either.

Ironically I'm a mid-century walnut fanboy, and I've never ordered a pair in the walnut.