It’s true! Fixing new problems like ground loops, bad drivers, "does my amp need to be repaired" or "why is my remote not working" type of questions all benefit from those who have gone before.
I think the idea of a "guru" in this thread are those who promise to have a grasp on absolute truths of value, performance and experience. Those privileged to claim what is and is not hi-fi.
Goodness knows I’ve had to rely on others for all sorts of issues. :)
It’s true! Fixing new problems like ground loops, bad drivers, "does my amp need to be repaired" or "why is my remote not working" type of questions all benefit from those who have gone before.
I think the idea of a "guru" in this thread are those who promise to have a grasp on absolute truths of value, performance and experience. Those privileged to claim what is and is not hi-fi.
Goodness knows I’ve had to rely on others for all sorts of issues. :)