Beware the audio guru

There are a few contributors to these forums who apparently see themselves as gurus. They speak in absolutes, using words such as "always" and "never." They make pronouncements about products or techniques they’ve never heard or experienced, justifying their conclusions because contrary claims are "impossible" or "snake oil." Those who disagree are accused of being "deluded," or suffering some insurmountable bias, or attempting to further some commercial agenda. On occasion, they have taunted detractors with an appeal that they engage in a wager - one guy wanted $25,000 cash up front and an agreement drafted by lawyers. Another offered 5-to-1 odds.

I am not going to tell you who to believe. But for anyone who might be uncertain about sorting out conflicting claims here, I suggest they consider the behavior of experts in other fields. No good doctor offers a 100 percent guarantee on any treatment or surgical procedure, even if medical science suggests success. No good attorney will tell you that you have a case that positively can’t be lost, even if the law appears to be on your side. No true professional will insult you for the questions you ask, or abandon you if you seek a second opinion.

A doctor conducts his own tests. An engineer makes his own measurements. Neither will insist the burden of documentation falls upon you.

These might be details to consider as you sift through the many conflicting claims made on Audiogon. In short: Decide for yourself. Don’t let other people tell you how to think, or listen.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds
It’s true on certain very specific topics in particular one always needs and seeks a guru who has been there and done that whereas most have not.


It’s true! Fixing new problems like ground loops, bad drivers, "does my amp need to be repaired" or "why is my remote not working" type of questions all benefit from those who have gone before.

I think the idea of a "guru" in this thread are those who promise to have a grasp on absolute truths of value, performance and experience. Those privileged to claim what is and is not hi-fi.

Goodness knows I’ve had to rely on others for all sorts of issues. :)


Excuse me for saying so but there’s a fine line between blasphemy and just being silly. And between a blasphemer and a pseudo skeptic. Pseu-pseu-pseudio! 🕺