Beware the audio guru

There are a few contributors to these forums who apparently see themselves as gurus. They speak in absolutes, using words such as "always" and "never." They make pronouncements about products or techniques they’ve never heard or experienced, justifying their conclusions because contrary claims are "impossible" or "snake oil." Those who disagree are accused of being "deluded," or suffering some insurmountable bias, or attempting to further some commercial agenda. On occasion, they have taunted detractors with an appeal that they engage in a wager - one guy wanted $25,000 cash up front and an agreement drafted by lawyers. Another offered 5-to-1 odds.

I am not going to tell you who to believe. But for anyone who might be uncertain about sorting out conflicting claims here, I suggest they consider the behavior of experts in other fields. No good doctor offers a 100 percent guarantee on any treatment or surgical procedure, even if medical science suggests success. No good attorney will tell you that you have a case that positively can’t be lost, even if the law appears to be on your side. No true professional will insult you for the questions you ask, or abandon you if you seek a second opinion.

A doctor conducts his own tests. An engineer makes his own measurements. Neither will insist the burden of documentation falls upon you.

These might be details to consider as you sift through the many conflicting claims made on Audiogon. In short: Decide for yourself. Don’t let other people tell you how to think, or listen.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds

Thanks to Cleeds for this topic. 

Also love the first posts from teo_audio & Whart.

Guys (and gals) please don't make this into measurement vs. listening. That's not the OP's topic.

Supertweak, get off it, man.  This thread is not here for you to rant.  We're sorry if Geoff hurt your feelings, but...c'mon.  Let's talk audio, not troll wars.

As for me... I try only to offer advice from my personal experience with music & audio; No absolutes or pronouncements or "truths", just what I've learned from experience and what works for me.  I hope that some people find my posts helpful in achieving better sound and enjoying it.

That's all.


I was making a joke on GaAs - Gallium Arsenide transistors, made with the elements gallium and arsenic, which are a real thing.



Wait... there is one more thing.

Since we've touched on science & Buddhism, here's an anecdote told by the Dalai Lama...

Traditional Buddhism teaches that the moon is lit from within.  As a young boy, the Dalai Lama was very interested in astronomy and had his own telescope.  It quickly become clear to him that the moon's light was not from within, but reflected from the sun.  His conclusion?

    "When Buddhism is wrong, Buddhism must change." 

Science is constantly changing as we make new discoveries, and it's refreshing to hear someone say that religion should be just as flexible. Unless you literally 'know everything' your beliefs and opinions should be too.

Wait... there is one more thing.

Since we’ve touched on science & Buddhism, here’s an anecdote told by the Dalai Lama...

Traditional Buddhism teaches that the moon is lit from within. As a young boy, the Dalai Lama was very interested in astronomy and had his own telescope. It quickly become clear to him that the moon’s light was not from within, but reflected from the sun. His conclusion?

"When Buddhism is wrong, Buddhism must change."

Science is constantly changing as we make new discoveries, and it’s refreshing to hear someone say that religion should be just as flexible. Unless you literally ’know everything’ your beliefs and opinions should be too.

>>>I’m not sure I agree with your detective work inasmuch as Science is not really constantly changing. Science is becoming more and more a description of reality which is different from constantly changing. Science is extremely conservative and only changes very slowly and methodically. Theoretically science should change less and less quickly. Hyperbolically you could say. Name one new discovery. Religion, on the other hand, seems to change for political or self-serving reasons.
Wow. Last time I listened to music it was because I like music and it’s fun and nourishing of the soul. The pursuit of great or perfect sound, the hobby of playing with toys and don’t fool yourself expensive audio equipment are toys, for boys; is a massive waste of money and time. Wasting money is fine, it’s like Doritos, they’ll always make more. Time is finite. Think that when your time is done you’ll be happy to have wasted so much of it on this foolish hobby or would you want some of it back to listen to music, cuddle with your dog, love your loved ones?