Why not use mains as centers

Is there a reason I should'nt use two good bookshelfs or smaller towers for my center if I have two center outputs and available amp channel?
I think the only reason companies make special center dchannel speakers is so that they will not take up a lot of height, and fit on top of or underneath the monitor OK. If your speaker fits under or on top of the monitor, I would say it should be better than a center channel. It seems like all the specialized cabinet design that manufacturers tout as a reason to buy their speaker goes out the window with center channel design.
Using a main speaker as a center is ideal and usually superior to using most dedicated center speakers. However, you should use only one, not two, or the radiation/interference issues common to horizontal speaker will be encumbered.

Use one. Save the other for a spare.

I use two bookshelf speakers on their sides, on top of the sub, tweeters in, and making a V angle out of about 30 degrees. Sandbox on top. No interference issues apparent in movies. I play music elsewhere.
I would expect a good specialized centre channel speaker to be far superior than a third main. The centre channel in an HT setup is primarily for voices. Voices are in the midrange. So the design of the centre speaker can focus on midrange reproduction. There is less need to design for bass. The left and right mains, on the other hand, need better bass capability. So their design will be obviously different. Specialization of function is, I think, the primary reason why centre speaker design differ from that of other speakers. Also, HT speaker design will, or may, at the manufacturer's option, have to accommodate the design requirements needed for THX certification.

You can't assume that what's desired in a speaker for music reproduction in a 2 channel system is what's needed or desired in an HT set-up. That's why a lot of people have dedicated systems for both 2-channel and HT use. That's why you see so many posts on this forum from people about how to deal with the compromises when they want to use a single system for both purposes.