JAM by Duelund

Has anyone tried these new reasonably priced tinned copper caps from Duelund in any positions?


Hi Eric,
I ansfered a number of questions in other discutions, for example, about Duelund wires but nobody answered me...
Sorry to hear that Alex! 

I know nothing about those wires though, so that's why I personally would not have answered. :) 


Hi Eric,

Actually you can to try Duelund 16 AVG Cu-Sn wire for hook-up inside your speakers and as a speakers cable. In my system it works very good as speakers cable.
After adding the second pair of Jupiter Cu into my phonostage output, sound became more smooth and transparent by too polite and a little boring.
So, I decided I have to add more bite, more hot pepper to the sound of my phonostage.
I just ordered Duelund CAST Cu-Sn bypass capacitors...
grannyring  Do you use Jupiter copper in a passive crossover acoustics or in an amplifier? Sorry for my bad English, I could not understand this by reading your discus discussion.