Replacing my Krell FPB 600 amp with a tube amp

Im thinking of replacing my Krell FPB 600 amp with  tube amp . I really love the power and bass slam of the Krell FPB 600.Could i possibly find that with a tube amp? I was thinking of the ARC Ref 250 mono blocks. I am also using an ARC Ref 6 preamp. The only thing i can think of with this much power and bass slam would be the ARC Ref 750se. Any other suggestions and how would the ARC Ref 250s as compared to the Krell FPB 600. 
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You could try a higher-powered VTL amp, but I still don't think a tube amp will control your speakers as well as the Krell does.
Ozzy has some great comments that he has made about his new Carver mono's. He also started a thread here on Audiogon...
rcprince ...... I was also thinking the same thing that a tube amp wolnt control my speakers as well as the Krell. Unless i buy the ARC Ref 750se.    lak.....Thank you but im really not interested in Carver....
I replaced my FPB600 with a CAT JL2.  Noticed no lack of bass control.  I’m fact the CAT gear is powerful and transparent across the full frequency range plus many other positive qualities.  You can ready my review on it.
aoliviero..... I just read your review and i really did like what i read about it. Especially compared to the Krell FPB 600. Wonder how it compared to the ARC Ref 750se.